• CyberFrat
  • April 1, 2020

CF BYTES – Issue #6

Almost every security agency today is alarmed due to cyberattacks, as data breaches and fraudulent activities surge amidst the deadly pandemic that is rocking the world. From government agencies to healthcare and educational institutions, from fintech firms to cyber insurance companies, numerous entities have been targeted by bad actors. At the same time, there have been positive developments in the field of cybersecurity that promise to build safer cyberspace for mankind. This issue of CF Bytes shall highlight some of the biggest cyberattacks and cybersecurity developments that took place in the last fortnight.

Top 5 cyberattacks

  1. The World Health Organization (WHO) faced a phishing attack while it plays a central role in the monitoring and mitigation of the COVID-19 pandemic. The attack involved an email front end hosted on a phishing domain that tried to lure the agency’s employees into logging handing over their login credentials. (read more…)
  2. Fraudsters created a dubious UPI ID ‘pmcare@sbi’, a fake account of the original UPI ID ‘pmcares@sbi’ of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s PM-CARES fund which was set up to accept donations from people for tackling the COVID-19 crisis. (read more…)
  3. Australian government’s MyGov website crashed due to a denial-of-service attack as tens of thousands of users were unable to access the website. The demand arose from the usual capacity of 6,000 people to a staggering 55,000 users. (read more…)
  4. Hackers attacked the database of India’s COVID-19 patients and potential suspects in Kerala, one of the worst-hit states of the country. The data included information on other people coming into the district from abroad and those kept in self-quarantine, their recent travel history, residential addresses, and contact details, etc. (read more…)
  5. Tupperware was hacked by a credit card skimmer that hid malicious code within an image file that activates a fraudulent payment form during the checkout process on the Tupperware.com site and some of its local sites. (read more…)

Top 5 cybersecurity developments

  1. Kaspersky is providing several B2B cybersecurity products, including security solutions for the Cloud and Microsoft Office, to medical institutions for free for 6 months, thereby joining the league of tech-giants to support healthcare facilities in the COVID-19 crisis. (read more…)
  2. TruKno, a Denver-based cybersecurity startup announced the launch of the first curated search platform built from the ground up for the $185 billion cybersecurity industry by combining access to niche experts with the latest attack vectors, breach data, mitigation practices, innovative solutions, and associated vendors. (read more…)
  3. GlobeX Data, a leader in Swiss hosted cybersecurity and Internet privacy solutions partners with its reseller in the USA, Guard Street Partners in the launching of a new Remote Workforce Cybersecurity Secure Business Solutions Package that will include DigitalSafe, the Company’s Swiss hosted secure cloud solution and communications suite, as a response to the ongoing COVID-19 crisis. (read more…)
  4. Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur (IITK) and L&T Technology Systems (LTTS) have signed a multi-year MoU recently to co-operate in areas of research in industrial and infrastructure cybersecurity. The inspiration behind establishing C3i at IIT Kanpur is to do research, education, training, and to explore and exploit the latest trends in cybersecurity to create technological safeguards and protect critical infrastructure. (read more)
  5. Carnegie Mellon University has launched a cybersecurity master’s program to help train the next generation of InfoSec professionals, aiming to create a robust pipeline of highly skilled mission-ready security professionals. (read more…)

Stay tuned to CF Bytes for more periodical updates on cyberattacks and developments in the ever-evolving world of cybersecurity.



  1. https://nakedsecurity.sophos.com/2020/03/25/hackers-target-who-in-phishing-attack/
  2. https://inc42.com/buzz/fraudsters-try-to-scam-pm-cares-donors-with-fake-upi-id/
  3. https://startsat60.com/discover/news/politics/mygov-website-crash-cyber-attack
  4. https://www.cisomag.com/hackers-attack-database-of-indias-covid-19-patients-and-potential-suspects/
  5. https://www.scmagazine.com/home/security-news/tupperware-site-hacked-with-credit-card-skimmer/
  6. https://www.soyacincau.com/2020/03/25/kaspersky-provides-free-cybersecurity-products-to-medical-institutions-covid-19/
  7. https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2020/03/24/2005307/0/en/First-curated-search-platform-TruKno-launches-for-185B-cybersecurity-industry.html
  8. https://apnews.com/ACCESSWIRE/9bbcafc056839859fba75d09d3c13ff5
  9. https://www.ndtv.com/education/iit-kanpur-l-t-technology-services-sign-mou-for-research-in-cyber-security-programs-2196938
  10. https://portswigger.net/daily-swig/carnegie-mellon-university-launches-cybersecurity-course-to-fill-the-us-skills-gap
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