• CyberFrat
  • July 23, 2020

CF BYTES- Issue#12

Since COVID-19 crises are growing all over the world-wide all should take care of health and precautions against COVID-19. As the situation demands to work remotely for the employees and the organization. Work goes on sometimes smoothly sometimes with some problems but the privacy and security are harmed too much. We too need to take care of our security aspects in terms of the use of technology. Cyberfrat presents you with some issues of cybersecurity attacks and cybersecurity developments from the last fortnight you should be aware of. 

Top 5 Cyber Security Attacks

1] 15 Billion Stolen Credentials according to the report “From Exposure to Takeover” published by Digital Shadows Photon Research Team, more than 15 billion credentials are circulated in the dark web have yielded a 300 percent increase in stolen credentials since 2018. Unsurprisingly banking and financial credentials are highly targeted, those credentials are found in huge volumes. (read more…)

2] Hackers Attacking Windows RDP Attack Doubled in this Pandemic – Over 100K Attacks Daily. Since the lockdown huge portion of employees working remotely through personal devices to access sensitive organization computers Windows’ Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP). RDP is a proprietary protocol developed by Microsoft which helps a user to get another computer graphically over a network connection. These attack campaigns pose serious cases as some organizations neglect to implement protection settings and Employees use easy-to-guess passwords without any additional layer of protection. (read more…)

3] 1.29 million customer records of an Indian online marketplace been posted for sale on the Darknet One of the researcher team Cyble has shared information on threat actor leaked more than 2000 user account details. The leaked database includes the First Name, Last Name, Phone Number, Email id. The data has stolen from online market shopping where everyday people shared their details online.(read more…)

4] Collabera hacked: IT staffing services giant hit by ransomware, employee personal data stolen. This information can include Worker’s name, addresses, contact, and social security numbers, DOB, employment benefits, passport and immigration visa details. Basically, everything needed for identity theft.Collabera identified malware in its network system consistent with a ransomware attack.(read more…)

5] Live Auctioneers reports data breach after user records sold online. LiveAuctioneers is an auction site that allows people worldwide to bid on auctioned items in real-time. A data breach broker began selling a database that allegedly contains 3.4million user records stolen from the site. The data allegedly contains the user’s email add, username, MD5 hashed password, Names, phone no, add, IP address, and social media profiles.(read more…)


1] Project Freta – Microsoft launched a new Forensic tool dubbed Project Freta that helps the organization in discovering the undetected malware. Project Freta helps enterprises in detecting the malware from memory and defend from producers of stealthy malware. It is a free cloud-based tool offered by the NExT Security Ventures (NSV) team at Microsoft Research, which automates the full-system volatile memory inspection of Linux systems. The project Freta is open for public access, it is capable of “automatically fingerprinting and auditing a memory snapshot of most cloud-based Linux VMs.”(read more…)

2] Taiwan computer emergency response team/coordination center (twcert/cc) collaborate to enhance Taiwan’s cyber-security outreach. Cyble Inc. an Atlanta, US-based global cyber threat intelligence firm, and TWCERT/CC, a Non-government organization, has signed off on a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to venture together and share cyber threat intelligence relating to Taiwan’s academic, public, and private sectors. The initiative is aimed to enhance the cyber threat monitoring capabilities of both entities and better equip each other’s knowledge base to handle cyber threats and incidences.(read more…)

3] Facebook Messenger Could Soon Support Face ID Authentication: Smartphone users have a myriad of security measures they can use to secure the private information they have on their handsets. iPhone users can use Face ID, Touch ID and passcodes to prevent the unauthorized use of their devices. Android smartphone users can also use similar authentication methods depending on their devices.(read more…)

4] Researchers create a tool for protecting children’s online privacy. A University of Texas at Dallas study of 100 mobile apps for kids found that 72 violated a federal law aimed at protecting children’s online privacy. They developed a tool that can determine whether an Android game or other mobile app complies with the federal Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA). The researchers introduced and tested their “COPPA Tracking by Checking Hardware-Level Activity” or COPPTCHA, tool in a study. The tool was 99% accurate. Researchers continue to improve the technology, which they plan to make available for download at no cost.(read more…)

5] Microsoft’s new KDP tech blocks malware by making parts of the Windows kernel read-only. Microsoft has published today the first technical details about a new security feature that will soon be part of Windows 10. Microsoft says this new technology was developed with security in mind but that it also has other applications, such as anti-cheat and digital rights management (DRM) software.(read more…)


1. https://gbhackers.com/15-billion-stolen-credentials/ 

2. https://gbhackers.com/rdp-attack-doubled/

3. https://cybleinc.com/2020/06/30/1-29-million-customer-records-of-an-indian-online-marketplace-been-posted-for-sale-on-darknet/

4. https://www.theregister.com/2020/07/14/collabera_ransomware/?&web_view=true

5. https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/liveauctioneers-reports-data-breach-after-user-records-sold-online/?&web_view=true.

6. https://gbhackers.com/project-freta/ 

7. https://cybleinc.com/2020/07/08/press-release-cyble-inc-and-taiwan-computer-emergency-response-team-coordination-center-twcert-cc-collaborate-to-enhance-taiwans-cyber-security-outreach/

8. https://www.ibtimes.com/facebook-messenger-could-soon-support-face-id-authentication-2994038?&web_view=true 

9. https://www.helpnetsecurity.com/2020/06/30/protecting-childrens-online-privacy/?web_view=true 

10. https://www.zdnet.com/article/microsofts-new-kdp-tech-blocks-malware-by-making-parts-of-the-windows-kernel-read-only/?&web_view=true

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