• CyberFrat
  • December 2, 2018

Sanjay Tiwari


IIFL Holdings Ltd


Vice President – CISO

Define yourself as what you are known for?

I am known for my work ethics and discipline in every thing I do.

How does your average day look like?

Lots of planning, strategic brainstorming and meetings to ensure we are in control of all the planned initiatives and up to our commitments.

What does your current role mean to you?

It means lot of effort and responsibility and to justify the confidence shown by the Management team in me.

What helped you to achieve your current Position/Role?

My sincere and open approach towards my work and being passionate to keep constantly learning about Risk & Information Security.

As a Risk Leader what keeps you awake at night?

Am I really covered substantially against all the risk, are there enough controls in place to shield the organisation from the critical risks. 

Your vision for Risk Strategies in future? How are you going to beat Challenges?

With constant learning and developing the risk awareness to the bottom of pyramid in my organisation, every employee has to be risk aware and act sensibly.

How do you keep up with the latest Risk/security issues and methods?

With Workshops, reading blogs, journals, social networking with professionals.

How do you convince or sell Risk Management to other executives? 

By giving examples of the reparations caused due to exploitation of the risks and correlating it with their domains.

Advice for the teams that are doing digital innovation

Risk assessment should be in every step of the innovation to ensure they are covered maximum and have good control against the risks.

Which two organizations outside of your own do you know the most people at and why?

IThere are many and I am really close to my ex-colleagues in NSDL. I had worked there for three years and it was really fun and lot of learning turning point of my career, I still reach out to then in case I get stuck somewhere.

What inspires you? What are your aspirations?

Someone who tries to stretch himself that extra mile either in his professional or personal life to achieve his life goal. My aspirations is to reach at a point where I can give back to the society by any means.

How do you keep yourself stress-free from challenges in your current role?

I watch or play sports, listen to music and be with my family members.

If not in Risk Profession, where would you have been?

I would have been a businessman.

Something that People Don’t know about you?

I think it shouldn’t be known.

You are a new addition to the crayon box, What color would you be and why?

Although I like blue color very much but this is talking of new addition, I would like to be another flavor of Blue, the only reason is I was in Blue house in my school and we use to be number one and it use to be exciting to compete with other houses..

Advice to students and young aspirants who want to build their career in Risk Management.

I think it is really great responsibility to be in Risk Management, if you aspire to build you career then be completely committed and you ensure thorough professionalism while managing risks.







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